I found an interesting instagram account @bearandcoffee that turns out to be a guy named Josh Estey going around with bike spreading his love of awesome coffee. I sent an e-mail without giving a second thought when I read his announcement about that he’ll brewing three different roast and will deliver it the next day.
The brews are
West Java Aryumanis by Morph (fruity)
Sumatra Togos Gayus by Giyanti (licorice)
East Timur by Maharaja (chocolate)
I don’t know how will they taste, so I ordered all three to find out.
After I placed an order via e-mail, he response and telling me that I’ll be the last place he’ll visit as my place is the farthest one. I said ok, and waiting patiently until he arrived the next day (today)
This guy is awesome, he rides his bike all the way from Casablanca to all of his customers and then to my office in Bangka. When he arrived, I called Angga, my business partner and his wive; Risna. Josh introduced me, Angga and Risna to the Aryumanis brew by Morph that tasted like wine. I love it and might want to explore more West Java coffee beans to enjoy.
He told us awesome stories about how he gets the inspiration after watching Ethiopian people enjoyed their coffee and after he experiences the life changing coffee moment, he comes back home to Indonesia to learn more about Indonesian coffee culture. He found that Indonesian got awesome coffee beans and if it’s treated right would be totally awesome.
Helped with his three kids “the bears” (where he got the name), he produced Bear & Co tag and paper cup that manually stamped by his kids. The bears also responsible for the coffee tasting, so the brew he’s sent to his customers are already approved by three awesome kids.
He introduced us to ‘watermelon’, it’s a west Java coffee brew with soya milk which tasted awesome while cold. He told us that he’ll brewing something fresh for this dry season to refreshing our day with cool coffee.
In the meanwhile, I will enjoy my today’s haul and feel blessed.
By the way i also bought the official Bear & Co t-shirt.